Hello, everyone! Happy Wednesday Gifts is switching over to a new store and with the move comes some great new changes. Each decal is now $1 cheaper and we have improved our affiliate program to give our affiliates even more great benefits including removing the quota. If you join our new affiliate program for free during pre-launch, you get 5% extra base commission (meaning you start at 25% commission instead of 20%), 5% extra personal discount (25% instead of 20%, and an exclusive, never-to-be-offered-again 2% second-level downline commission. The only way to ever get second-level downline commission is to join during pre-launch.
Why the pre-launch? In addition to needing to take some time off from cutting decals to help a family member, a pre-launch gives me plenty of time to design and roll out great new products including designs suggested by our affiliates!
During our pre-launch, we will not be shipping any orders besides the sample packs. All products besides our affiliate packages and sample packs will be listed as out of stock to allow everyone to see our new designs, but they will not be available to purchase until our official launch.
Keep an eye out on this post or on our Facebook page for news about our official relaunch!
Megan Evans
store owner
Happy Wednesday was born out of a tradition between me and my husband. Before we got married, I was working at a job I didn't enjoy and the days and the weeks would just drag on. In order to make my day brighter he would bring me little gifts. Chocolate, ice cream, toys for my puppy, just little things that would make me smile throughout the week. Whenever he gave me these gifts, he would say happy (insert day of the week). (As you can probably tell, our favorite day of the week for this tradition was Wednesday) As I left my job to stay at home and he began working, the tradition continued. Even when money was tight, we would always make sure those little "I thought of you today" gifts were always a part of our week. Our Happy Wednesday tradition, while it doesn't happen every week (which is part of the fun of it), is still a huge part of our lives and helps to bring a little smile in the middle of a tough week. It's a fun little way of letting that special someone know they were in your thoughts today.
Whether your special someone is a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, parent, grandparent, sibling, or even yourself (we promise we won't tell), Happy Wednesday has a gift for them!